ATLANTA -– The Atlanta Hawks Basketball Club will highlight their partnership with Second Helpings Atlanta, a non-profit organization focused on rescuing food and dedicated to fighting food insecurity and food waste, on Tuesday, Nov. 20. The Hawks will immerse various players and employees in the process of gathering unused restaurant-quality food from State Farm Arena and delivering it to people in need in time for Thanksgiving. These events are part of the pledge to complete 50 acts of service to affect 50,000 lives, and celebrate the team’s 50 years in Atlanta.
In the late afternoon, Hawks players, Jeremy Lin and John Collins, will deliver food and speak to youth and seniors at the Center for Pan Asian Community Services (CPACS) while staff members participate in a special volunteer project. CPACS is one of the only organizations of its kind in the region and serves the Asian American community, authentically embracing the rich cultural practices and traditions.
Additionally, Hawks players, Miles Plumlee, Tyler Dorsey, Kevin Huerter, will bring their food to the site of one of the club’s renovated community courts at the At-Promise Youth Center. The At-Promise Youth Center is located on the Westside of Atlanta and is committed to changing the root causes of crime rather than placing children and young adults in the juvenile justice system.
Their teammates, Justin Anderson and Alex Len, will be taking meals to the Veteran’s Empowerment Organization. VEO is a non-profit organization that works to serve homeless veterans in the Atlanta Metropolitan area by providing housing options, meals, mental health counseling, workforce development and more.
Media planning to attend should respond with their intended location and must RSVP to by 6 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 19.