Taj Gibson knows Tom Thibodeau just about as well as any player in the league. They have history dating back before their Minnesota Timberwolves days. In fact, the two were together for Thibodeau’s successful run in Chicago before reuniting in Minnesota.
Thibs employs an in-your-face coaching style and is known to do a lot of yelling on the sideline. Gibson knows this isn’t meant to embarrass anyone or put anyone down. When Thibodeau is yelling, he’s doing it to help his players understand his thinking.
“He’s always yelling, but that’s just his way of showing you that you’re on his mind. I realize that,” Taj Gibson said to K.C. Johnson of the Chicago Tribune. “When he’s yelling at you then you’re thought of. You don’t want to be the person that he just lets you do whatever and he doesn’t say anything.”
This is something you hear players and coaches echo at nearly every level of basketball. Coaches will ride their best players and try to get the most out of their players by staying on top of them. If a coach stops caring, that’s a much worse sign than if a coach is simply yelling at a player.
It’s not always easy to grasp that, but it’s something Taj Gibson has picked up during his years with Tom Thibodeau. If Gibson didn’t like Thibodeau’s coaching style, he wouldn’t have chosen to follow his former coach to frosty Minnesota.