Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Sacramento Kings Reveal Their Own Plans For Sleep Train Arena Site After Zoo Shows Interest « CBS Sacramento

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – A proposal to build a zoo at the former Sleep Train Arena site is facing some resistance.

Last week, CBS13 exclusively told you the Sacramento Zoo is looking into moving the animals to Natomas, but it seems the Kings have plans of their own and are finally revealing them.

“At this point, I think I want to play a role of helping all of the potentially competing interests find a great solution here,” said Mayor Darrell Steinberg.

Steinberg said things are off to a great start. This after the Sacramento Business Journal reported the Kings filed plans Thursday to redevelop the former Sleep Train Arena.

“The key is that we’re getting started. Because what we don’t want us to have the land stay empty for a long period of time,” he said.

The Kings want to build up to 1.18 million square feet of commercial space and up to two thousand residential units on the 183-acre site.

The Chief Operating Office of the Kings Matina Kolokotronis released this statement:

“This flexible master entitlement plan represents an important step in the process towards entitling the Natomas site to attract an end user that supports our region. We have collected feedback from city leaders, stakeholders and interested parties to develop a dynamic plan that is capable of adapting to a broad range of opportunities. We look forward to continuing to develop this plan in coordination with the community and city leaders.”

It’s a plan some say is great for the city.

“We’re in the midst of a housing crisis throughout the country and Sacramento is suffering from the same shortage of housing we don’t create affordable options for people getting into homes,” said Michael Strech, President North State Building Industry Association

He added that housing in areas like Natomas should always be on the agenda.

“It’s a great use of the space, it’s close. Transportation close to downtown and close to other amenities that people can utilize very easily,” he said.

As for the mayor, although he refuses to support for either of the two options he has this to say:

“Between the Kings, between the city. Between whether it’s the zoo or others. We’re going to come up with a great plan.”

CBS13 asked the city asked for access to the plan the Kings have put forth. The organization says it won’t be made public until next week.