Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Here Is a Truly Putrid Basketball Sequence From The Milwaukee Bucks

Photo: Streeter Lecka (Getty)

The Bucks lost to the Hornets yesterday, thanks largely to the following sequence in which they missed what feels like 15 shots in what feels like five seconds. There’s no one standout here, as every single Milwaukee player’s ability to trip over himself is remarkable and laudable; a special note of thanks is due to Kemba Walker, though, for a pair of turnovers that gave the Bucks more chances to flail around. This is the basketball version of one of those videos showing what a language sounds like to non-native speakers.

The inarguable worst shot here is Pat Connaughton’s short-armed layup right at the rim, a failure that is made much funnier by Connaughton’s soaring highlight-reel dunk earlier in the fourth quarter.

Hands up if you love “the beautiful game.”

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